We Only Make Money If You Do Guarantee

If in 30 days you do not get more money or value out of our service for what you pay, we will give you your money back!

We will increase your hot leads by at least 10% in 30 days

If you don't understand or think this can not be true, here is an example:

We do not try to trick you or promise you something that we can not provide you, we use numbers and statistics to back up our results

There is a difference between cold leads and engaged leads. Cold leads are people who just clicked on your website ("Visitors to website" from above), scrolled around for a bit, and then clicked off. Engaged or hot leads are cold leads who visited your site, and then, saw something they liked about your business that made them fill out a form, book an appointment, or call you up whatever you want your leads to do (That is the "Leads" from above). Hot leads are engaged in the use of your business!

Marketing companies will tell you that they can get you 40% more leads or you get your money back and what happens is they push a Ton of Money into campaigns which results in more "cold leads" going to your website even if they do not convert to hot leads that want your business. They are really just visitors to your website. You end up getting locked into a long contract and the numbers are making sense from their logic but you do not see the results for your business.

We do things a little bit differently and we know everyone probably says this, but hear us out

If you stick around to the end we will give you a bonus that will 2-3X your current conversion rate

We Give You This Guarantee By:

1. Maximizing your conversion rate;

Cold Leads --> Hot Leads

2. Improving how you gather leads;

More Cold Leads

3. Optimal tracking so you are not throwing away money

Increase ROI

To make it simple, we guarantee that:

"If you do not make more money or get more value in your first month with us compared to the money you pay, we will give you your money back"

No Questions Asked, there is no risk for you!

We only make money if you do!

We are a marketing company that uses our own proprietary software to maximize conversions, generate leads, and create an optimized experience for your business. We are specific to the area of Southeast Connecticut so we understand your customers and how to reel them in, more about us on our website (Click Here for More Information). Unlike these big companies that give you cookie-cutter systems and basic marketing techniques, we focus on our area and really work with your business to create a custom system and marketing campaign that gives you optimal results. Our approach is simple;

Create maximum optimization to capture your cold leads and turn them into hot leads.

Then use different marketing approaches and techniques that custom fit your business/industry and the specific customers you want.

Then we track everything and give you real numbers that show you where we can improve. This creates a feedback loop and allows us to make endless opportunities for your business to grow.

What Our Company Can Do For You:

  • Utilize the benefits of technology without the complications

  • Convert leads at a higher rate without lifting a finger

  • Streamline all of your leads in one place so you never lose another lead again

  • Marketing campaigns specific to your local customers

  • Give new clients proof of the quality of your business through reviews

  • Provide analytics to help you grow

  • Free up your time through automation

What Our Company Can Not Do For You:

  • Improve your service

  • Do your service for you

  • Help a company that doesn't have the ability to grow

Still Don't Trust Us?

We get your business is your baby and you do not let strangers hold your baby. We also understand that you do not have all the information available to make a decision. The only way you can receive this information is from the inside and this is why we give you a 30-day money-back guarantee. Test out our systems and see if it fits your business risk-free.

We want you to make a call with us so you can at least make a completely informed decision. If it does not work there are no hard feelings and hopefully, we at least gave you some advice on your business that you had not thought of implementing before. So here is our promise to you:

If you book an appointment on our calendar below we will send you a little gold nugget, our

Website Conversion Checklist:

The checklist will go through:

- How to calculate your website's conversion rate if you do not already know, plus

- The principles behind conversion on a website, plus

- How you can implement those principles to increase conversion.

This checklist is a very simple 4-page checklist that you will receive upon making an appointment. It has 15+ concepts to look for with your own website. Alone it will give your company the ability to increase 2-3X the conversion on your website by yourself. If you wanted you could then cancel the call and use this information without talking to us :(

The goal for us is to show you a little bit of what we can do for you and hopefully build trust that we are not just saying things that sound good to get your business, we can actually do them! We have a whole lot more besides this checklist to provide your company so we feel confident in giving up this little piece of gold in the hopes of you teaming up with us.

This call will be a no-pressure call where we get to learn a little bit about each other and see if we are a good fit. If we do not work out you can simply say so and you get a free piece of advice and a nice discussion on your business from a different perspective.


If this does sound like something that can help your business expand, book a call and jump in on this opportunity. We only work with one business in each industry per area. So we will not work with two plumbers or two contractors or whatever it may be within a certain radius. This helps you get the maximum opportunity out of what we provide and it does not allow us to give you and your competition the same systems and information. If you are not utilizing technology to grow your competitors are!

Have your business working for you, not you working for your business!

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Consulting Demo

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