SEO, Search Engine Optimization

How Do You Get Your Website To Stand Out Among The Sea Of Competition?

Think of SEO as a librarian giving you the exact book you need. When you need something or want to find something out you look it up on Google. Google then ranks all the sources it has on the topic from what it believes is the most relevant and best suited for your search.

When done correctly, your website will rank at the top of the search when people look for your service.

What Are The Benefits Of SEO?

Unlike Paid Ads, It Is Completely Free

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More Consistent

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Builds Trust Among Potential Customers

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Services Provided

Our Specialty Is Everything

We Make It Simple

We do not like to overcomplicate things and use crazy methods and big words to impress you. Most small local businesses don't need all the fancy tools and features to be successful, save that for the big national companies. At our company, we like to make marketing simple. At Wall Street Innovations we understand local markets for service-based industries.

As a small local business ourselves, we understand you want family treatment when it comes to customer support and you want to feel valued. We do not treat you like a number, unlike these big corporations, but rather as a name. If you have a question or are unsatisfied in an area, which let's face it technology can be a pain, we want to address that immediately and not leave you in the dark.

With regards to SEO, we break it down very simply and give you practical features that you can utilize within your business. We have worked with multiple service-based industries and have been successful in ranking their websites near the top of the Google search with each of them. We are completely transparent and don't over-promise anything, SEO takes time! Whoever says they can get you to rank at the top of the page in one month with little to no effort is lying to you. It takes effort from us along with you to make it work, we just break it down into real simple that are practical and obtainable on both sides.

How Do I Improve?

Being completely transparent we are not going to hide information or tell you once you sign up. Google has these "crawlers" that work all the time and they scan webpages. When they come across your page, they go through it and read every word, click on every link, look at every picture, and compile information. They then go back to the database and record what they found. Then when someone searches for a term, based on the data Google has, it puts the most relevant and useful websites, in their mind, first.

What Are Some Basics?

Backlinks, these are links from one page on one website to another. If other popular websites link to a webpage, that indicates to Google as a good sign that the information about that page is well-trusted and the company is relevant. Essentially it is another website vouching for the quality of that page. You can post on social media and link it back to your website, or sign up on different websites that all link to each other such as Yelp to your webpage, your webpage to Google reviews, etc. We also provide a tool that is included in our service that will put you on all relevant web pages with a click of a button.

Search Intent, the reason behind what someone searches for. Google's job is to return the most relevant results for a search term to ensure the person's reason for searching is satisfied. In our situation, it has to do with someone looking for a service and finding that company. To try it out for yourself, look for a service you provide and see what comes up in Google. Match your webpage to those types of pages to get a boost in ranking.

Content Depth, search engines don't read your text the way we do, but they do recognize when people get what they want from a page. Similar to search intent, content depth goes beyond this and matches up your webpage content to the title of that webpage to the search word. It is not necessarily about the number of words on the page but if it is related to the keyword that is being searched for. Some ways to improve this are to one, make your content include the keyword throughout the page, and two, use simple words that are not overly complicated and get right to the point.

In The First Scenario,

This refers to all techniques that can be implemented on your website to improve the search results. This is what our company will mainly focus on from content to keywords to conversion rate optimization. On your end, we will need updated content like images and new reviews that we can showcase on the website.

In The Second Scenario,

This refers to everything that is not on your website, but still increases your brand awareness or has links back to your website. We will research to find new keywords and how the market is shifting, along with creating backlinks. From your end mainly posting on social media and responding to reviews can help a great amount, we make this effortless.

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One Of Our Longest Supporting Customer

Lewis Construction Group

Christina Lewis CMO, Lewis Construction Group

"As a business owner, it is always important to know the numbers and statistics in your company. To know your best clients, programs, what is working or not working. Many of us spend years and thousands of dollars on software that we think will help, and spend too much money, time, and effort to implement. And if we can’t understand it all, we have to invest/pay another person to understand and implement it all.

As a subscriber to multiple software platforms to keep our businesses at the forefront of the industry, I can truly share the software and marketing by Wall Street Innovation, makes my job as the CMO a simpler one. Meaning I can see new clients coming in the door from multiple resources: our company follows up, what's converting, current client’s information, sales, and special offers all in one place."

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Christina Lewis CMO, Lewis Construction Group

"As a business owner, it is always important to know the numbers and statistics in your company. To know your best clients, programs, what is working or not working. Many of us spend years and thousands of dollars on software that we think will help, and spend too much money, time and effort to implement. And if we can’t understand it all, we have to invest/pay another person to understand and implement it all.

As a subscriber to multiple software platforms to keep our businesses at the forefront of the industry, I can truly share this software developed by High Level, makes my job as the CMO a simpler one. Meaning I can see new clients coming in the door from multiple resources, our company follow up, conversions, current client’s information, sales, and special offers in one place."

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